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Advice for Owners

Our relationship with you is built on clear communication and ensuring your best interests are central to any advice we give. Detailed below are key issues upon which we seek to build your approval.

Marketing success
Ray White Kirwan is expert at ensuring your property is advertised to every tenant in the market place. Professional photography is key to promoting your property on all major internet sites. Wherever a tenant is searching we are providing information and working hard to deliver you a quality applicant.

Tenant selection
Ray White Kirwan has strict policies regarding tenant selection. We work hard to eliminate the chances of difficulties or loss of income and understand tenant selection is vital to the efficient management of your investment. All inspections are carried out by appointment only, we do not hand out the keys. All prospective tenants are cross checked with national databases and character references are checked. Proof of identity is required to the 100 point standard. These measures assist you with your decision to let your property.

Rent collection
A range of payment methods are available to tenants. Internet, phone or in person payments are available. Payment to you is made twice monthly to your nominated bank account from our trust account.

Arrears control
Four reasons have been most commonly associated with a tenant in arrears. Poor systems, familiarity, failure to issue notices and faulty selection of tenant initially are the usual culprits. Each property manager keeps a close daily watch on rental payments. Contact is made each day a tenant appears on this list and a notice to remedy breach is issued on day 8. Should the breach remain on day 15 your approval to issue a notice to leave will be sought. We have found this to be in the best interests of all parties and a copy will be sent for your records. Should the tenant not vacate a warrant of possession will be issued. Your assistance in consistently applying these policies will be greatly appreciated.

Lease renewals
Ray White Kirwan recommends that the lease for your property be no longer than 12 months. We understand longer term leases bring security and peace of mind but unless rental increases are specified in the original lease you may miss rent increases in line with market values. Two months prior to the end of a lease we forward you our recommendations which include an analysis of rental in your property’s area and a request for your instructions.

Routine inspections
Our inspections are very thorough and leave little to chance. You are welcome to attend routine inspections. An electronic file of digital photographs is kept of your property and a supplementary written report is sent to you in addition.

There are three categories of maintenance which may be discussed with you and these include urgent repairs, non urgent repairs and general upgrading. Urgent repairs must be immediately undertaken and these repairs will be organised in the most economical and efficient manner. Non urgent repairs will be submitted in writing for your consideration. General upgrades are recommended where ordinary wear and tear may be inhibiting the maximum return from your investment or having a negative impact on the quality of tenant applications. Our resources in attracting a good tradesperson at a reasonable price are at your disposal.

Peace of mind
In addition to building insurance we recommend landlord protection insurance. This cover protects you in the advent of a liability claim, loss of rent, malicious damage and accidental loss or damage.

A high priority is placed on ensuring your preferred method of correspondence is noted and employed. Statements and documents such as tax invoices, routine inspection reports and tenancy agreement can be emailed to you the day we produce them. Newsletters also seek to update you with changing legislation and investor related events regularly throughout the year.

Our agency has great pride in the property management team. We welcome you to an environment where energy and enthusiasm are matched by professionalism.