Have you just purchased your dream home from Ray White Kirwan? Congratulations! But… now what?
“Here’s a few friendly reminders to help you with the move”
Organising your removalists – Keys to your new home will be available at our office (by arrangement with your agent) to pick up as soon as we have been notified that settlement has taken place. If you haven’t been advised of a time, please call your broker, as they should be able to let you know the exact time the property will be settling. Access is not usually available prior to this time unless arranged with the agent, so please make the necessary arrangements with removalists so that trucks do not arrive, at the new property, expecting to gain access at an earlier time.
Electricity, Gas & Telephone – It would probably be a good idea to advise electricity, gas and telephone companies of the dates you require their services. Nothing would be more inconvenient than to spend your first night without power or phone. To reduce the hassle of organising this yourself, you can contact Ray White Connect on 1300 556 325. Both are completely free services to organise connection for Electricity, Gas, Telephone, Internet, Pay TV, Insurance, Removalists, and more! For more information, ask your agent for a brochure or visit www.raywhiteconnect.com.au
Packing – It always happens in movies – pick up a box and everything falls out! This is something we want to avoid! For a super secure box, you should tape the seam on the bottom, and you should run a piece of tape perpendicular to that seam. Pad the bottom of the box with newspaper and stuff the sides with extra paper to really make the bottom solid. Depending on what you’re packing, you should wrap each item with paper. When you’ve filled the box to capacity, tape it shut and label it with its contents and your name.
And be sure that you label the sides of the box, not the top of the box. If you don’t label your boxes to indicate what’s inside, then when you arrive at your new home, you and your movers will have no idea where each box goes. Imagine how tedious it will be to go through every single brown box, trying to figure out what’s inside and which room to place it in. So, be smart and label each box by the room and with a general description of the contents it contains. If you include the room, then the movers will know where it goes. If you just label it by the contents, then only you will know where it goes!
Have a Garage Sale – Have a lot of ‘junk’ you no longer need? Well, one man’s trash is another’s treasure so it’s time to figure out what to do with it all! Plan ahead and organise a garage sale. Garage sales are generally on Saturdays, and you’ll need to advertise to get a good turnout. So, put up fliers where it seems logical – your workplace, your church, your community center, the local library and, of course, don’t forget to put up signs around your neighbourhood. If you’re looking to make money, check eBay before you price your items to make sure you’re not essentially giving stuff away (unless of course, you want to!)
Leaving your old home – Have you sold your previous home as well? As you would probably be aware, you are required to give vacant possession, of the home, in a clean and tidy state, with all rubbish removed. If you require any assistance with cleaners etc, please call as we have access to some very good organizations, which do an excellent job at very reasonable rates.
Don’t forget to notify your change of address with: